UX/UI Design


UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design Services

Design is all we can think about, as well as all that we do and breathe. We are committed to designing experiences that are pleasurable and hence offer UI/UX design services. We build a first-rate product design by putting the needs of the end-user and the business at the forefront of our thinking.


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ZEUS is a Company specialising in UX and UI Design Services

It is not an easy process to find a UI/UX design company that will understand your needs and keep your users engaged in what you have to offer. However, this is now a possibility, thanks to ZEUS!

We present:

We are a team of designers with extensive expertise working in the on-demand, financial, real estate, and food technology industries, as well as social media and marketplaces. We build apps that enable users to accomplish their objectives, find solutions to their challenges, and have the impression that they are being helped along the process.

Our mission is to develop valuable solutions that encourage users to sign up and stay forever.

We are a user experience and user interface design services company, thus we focus on making the system, mobile and web application interfaces which we create user-friendly and consistent across all platforms. We are more than just a supplier; we are committed to being your partner. And we are here to propel you forward towards victory!

Accelerate Product Success with Our UX/UI Design Services

Cut functional requirements time in half by collaborating with our designers from the start

Reduce internal team communication time by 40% through our clear design documentation

Go to market 3 x faster by having a polished design system ready early

Cut design delivery time by 50% through our agile iteration process

Our team works as an extension of yours, seamlessly integrating into your workflows. We combine user research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design to create experiences people love.
Key benefits you’ll gain:

  • Increased customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Higher conversion rates and less abandonment
  • Decreased development time and costs
  • Improved brand perception and loyalty

Whether you’re launching a new product or improving an existing one, our UX/UI design services will accelerate your path to success. Partner with us to craft experiences as delightful as they are effective. Let’s build something extraordinary together!

Our UX/UI Design Services

Elevate your product with our user-centric design services. Our experienced UX/UI designers can help take your digital product from concept to launch and beyond.

We start by deeply understanding your users through research and empathy mapping. This allows us to design intuitive interfaces that delight your customers. Our design process focuses on simplicity, visual coherence, and frictionless interactions.

Our UX services include:

1. User research and testing

In the process of developing the app, if you do not perform user research, you run the danger of missing the product/market fit. At Zeus, the users—their requirements, sufferings, and desires—serve as the impetus for the design of every product the company creates. It is of the utmost importance to our group that the design be formulated on the basis of the data, rather than the assumptions.

2. Information architecture

Bring Order to Your Digital Space with Information Architecture A thoughtful information architecture is the key to a successful website or app. Information architecture gives structure and organisation to digital environments through careful planning and design.

With our information architecture services, we bring logic and order to your online platforms. Here are some key benefits we provide:

  • Clarify Site Objectives: 
We work with you to define the goals and priorities of your site or app. This drives informed IA decisions, keeping the user needs central. Intuitive Navigation Through user flows and sitemaps, we design navigation that is instinctive and easy-to-use. Users will effortlessly find content.
  • Simplify Complex Systems:
Whether you have multiple products or complex applications, we design IA that brings simplicity and coherence.
  • Future-Proof Your Platform:
Our architectures provide flexibility to add and adapt features. You get a resilient foundation for ongoing development.
  • Boost SEO:
Clear, consistent IA improves accessibility and SEO, helping search engines index and rank your important pages.

With our expert information architects, you get a thoughtfully organised digital ecosystem that delights users and gets results. Get in touch to discuss your project!

3. Wireframing and prototyping

Bring Your App Vision to Life with Wireframing and Prototyping Wireframing and prototyping are critical steps in bringing a new app or website to life. Our experienced team can translate your vision into tangible digital frameworks. Wireframing allows us to map out the structure and architecture of your app or site. We collaborate with you to:

  • Plan the layout and interface flow
  • Organise navigation and calls-to-action
  • Conceptualise the overall user experience

This provides an essential blueprint for development ahead. With interactive prototyping, we can then simulate the real app experience with:

  • Clickable links and buttons
  • Smooth page transitions
  • Realistic content and graphics

This enables you to visualise and test your app before heavy development begins. We can make rapid iterations based on user feedback. Our wireframing and prototyping services provide:

  • Cost and time savings over coding from scratch
  • Clear communication of design intentions
  • Ability to identify and fix UX issues early

Bringing an app from concept to launch is complex. Our end-to-end design services smoothly guide you from wireframe to prototype to final product. Partner with us today to turn your software ideas into reality!

4. Usability testing

Refine Your Product with Usability Testing Usability testing is a critical step in ensuring your product or service delivers a seamless user experience. Our expert usability testing services identify areas for design improvement before launch. We recruit representative users and observe them completing tasks in your product or prototype. This reveals insights like:

  • Confusing navigation or interfaces
  • Unclear calls-to-action
  • Difficulty finding desired content

We document areas of friction and user feedback. Then we make data-driven recommendations to optimise usability.
Our usability testing provides:

  • Objective user perspectives on your product
  • Identification of pain points and defects
  • Prioritised recommendations for iteration
  • Measurement of task success and satisfaction

Testing early means you can improve agilely, saving significant time and resources later. Whether you have an existing product or are starting from scratch, our usability testing offers invaluable user feedback when you need it most. Contact us to learn how we can help you deliver an intuitive, seamless experience.

Our UI services encompass:

  • Brand and style guide creation
  • Pixel-perfect visual designs
  • Iconography and illustration
  • Design system development
  • Animation and micro-interactions
  • Digital Product Design

5. Design Concept Generation Creation

The design concept generation service, which is an element of UI/UX designing services, offers the initial version of your app’s design. We produce an aesthetically pleasing design concept for the app/system or website based on the analysis and discovery activities that enable the users more quickly and easily achieve their goals and stay satisfied after touching to transparent light easy and logical interaction with user interface.

Unleash Innovation with Our Design Concept Creation Bringing a vision to life starts with daring to dream. Our design concept creation services turn imagination into reality through a proven creative process. We combine analytical thinking with unbridled creativity. Through brainstorming sessions and design sprints, we explore blue sky ideas that capture the soul of your brand. With user-centricity at the core, we craft experiences that forge powerful emotional connections.

Design Concept Generation Creation

Our concept creation blends art and logic to unveil truly innovative design directions. We fuse aesthetics and functionality into holistic concepts that feel utterly fresh yet completely intuitive. With an openness to explore the unexpected, we unlock ideas at the intersection of technology, business, and human values. We distill our creative overflow into concepts that balance logic and magic.

Turn to us when you seek inspiration but also strategic vision. Our design concepts are more than beautiful; they are transformative business tools encoded with purpose. We chart a course to the future while honouring brand legacy. Make a leap forward with our design concept creation services. Let us unlock the full potential of your brand story and chart an exciting path ahead. The journey of your dreams starts with a single step.

We can design stunning, functional interfaces for:

  • Mobile and web apps
  • Company websites
  • Software products
  • Ecommerce platforms

Our human-centered design approach leads to increased customer engagement, higher conversion rates, and reduced development costs. We partner with you throughout the design lifecycle to bring your vision to life.

We offer competitive rates and will work closely with you to achieve results you’ll love.


Looking for UX/UI Services?

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UX/UI Design Consulting by Zeus

Design Sprint

Accelerate Innovation with Focused Design Sprint Sessions Design Sprints enable you to validate ideas and align teams for breakthrough results. Our focused sprint sessions offer:

  • Rapid validation of product concepts through prototyping and testing
  • Reduction in risk by iterating quickly based on real user feedback
  • Team alignment around a shared vision through collaborative exercises
  • Inspiration through intense bursts of creativity and problem- solving

In just 5 days, you can go from idea to prototype to customer validation. This creates focus and speed for innovation. Our structured design sprint process includes:

  • Defining goals and questions
  • Sketching competing solutions
  • Deciding on the best approach
  • Prototyping the user experience
  • Testing with real customers

You’ll gain clarity on what resonates in the market before overinvesting. Sprints also build team buy-in and focus energy.

Drive real progress and results in just 5 days with our guided Design Sprints. Let’s solve big challenges together!


Connect with Your Audience through Immersive Product Design Sessions Truly understanding your users is the key to creating a successful digital product. Our Product Studio Sessions immerse you in your audience’s mindset so you can design for their needs.

In an intensive workshop setting, we guide you through exercises to:

  • Build empathy by mapping your audience’s behaviours, attitudes, and motivations
  • Identify “pain points” and unmet needs through roleplaying and research
  • Brainstorm creative solutions focused on user goals and values
  • Rapidly prototype and test concepts with paper prototyping and “guerrilla” user testing
  • Develop user personas and storyboards bringing your audience to life

This hands-on, collaborative process results in a deep connection with your users. You’ll gain invaluable insights to inform product design and development.

Don’t just guess what your audience wants. Engage with them meaningfully through our Product Studio Sessions. Let’s define how your product can improve your customers’ lives in a real, tangible way.

Design Audit

Gain User-Driven Insights with Our Design Audit Service Don’t guess why users are struggling with your product – our Design Audits reveal the real barriers and opportunities. We conduct in-depth analysis to:

  • Identify usability issues causing frustration or confusion
  • Pinpoint problems driving users away from key conversions
  • Uncover friction points impacting adoption and retention
  • Assess the overall UX against modern best practices

Our audit provides actionable insights, such as:

  • Recommendations to improve findability and navigation
  • Ways to craft more compelling calls-to-action
  • Opportunities to personalise experiences and build engagement
  • Ideas for simplifying complex workflows

We evaluate your product experience through user interviews, usability testing, heuristic analysis, and usage data. Our detailed, user-centric findings help you understand why your product succeeds or fails.

With our Design Audit, you’ll have a roadmap to create experiences people love. Let’s unlock the full potential of your product!

Design Workshops

Connect with Users to Unlock Innovation – Our Design Workshop Process Truly innovative products begin with deep user understanding. Our immersive Design Workshops enable you to connect with users to explore needs and spark creative solutions. In a collaborative session, we guide you through:

  • Gaining empathy for users through research and perspective-taking
  • Defining the core user problem through interactive exercises
  • Brainstorming creative ways to solve user needs
  • Conceptualising product ideas tailored to user goals
  • Rapidly prototyping and getting user feedback

This hands-on workshop gets you directly in tune with your audience.

You’ll gain:

  • Fresh insights that drive innovation
  • New concepts for solving pressing user problems
  • Validation of ideas before investing in development
  • Enhanced focus and alignment within your team

Don’t assume you know your users’ needs. Engage with them meaningfully in our Design Workshops. Let’s uncover how your product can improve people’s lives in a real, tangible way.

Comby AI

Peter Corban


Collaborating with Zeus has proven highly beneficial for our team, as they’ve offered valuable insights into the architecture and strategic direction of our product. They are easy to collaborate with, highly cooperative, and adept at identifying solutions that align with our requirements.

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Take Advantage of Our UX/UI Design

A glance at the various manners in which our design services might be beneficial to you.


Stage 1

Defining The Product’s Vision

Establishing a Clear Product Vision Every successful product starts with a compelling vision. Before divving into UX and UI design, we ensure we fully grasp the founder’s aspirations for the product and intended user experience. We collaborate closely to define:

  • The core user problem being solved
  • The proposed solution and value offered
  • The desired emotional response from users

This product vision sets the direction for design decisions ahead.
To inform the vision, our process includes:

  • Researching the market landscape and competitors
  • Interviewing potential users to identify needs and pain points
  • Mapping the target customer journey
  • Developing user personas and scenarios

The result is documentation conveying the vision, including:

  • Value proposition canvas
  • User personas
  • Customer journey map
  • Competitor analysis

With a clear, shared vision in place, we can design experiences that bring your ambitions to life. Defining the vision upfront ensures alignment as we progress through product creation. Let’s get your product headed toward success from the very first stage!

Stage 2


Bring Your Vision to Life with Our Prototyping Services A prototype brings your product vision to life in an interactive, tactile form. With our expert prototyping services, you can transform concepts into living, breathing experiences. We prototype to answer critical questions before you invest heavily in development. Using the latest tools and technologies, we simulate both form and function so you can:

  • Visualise ideas and make them tangible
  • Test usability and collect user feedback
  • Improve designs iteratively based on insights
  • Align teams and stakeholders on direction

Whether low-fidelity sketches or polished high-fidelity renders, our prototypes capture the soul and magic of your product vision. We craft experiences that feel real, allowing you to develop with confidence.

Our collaborative prototyping process also sparks new ideas and innovations. We explore bold creative directions together, combining your strategic vision with our design expertise.

Bring tomorrow’s products to life today with our prototyping services. Let’s start building the future. WE treat Prototyping as a pillar of the future product which gives the following advantages:

  • Prototyping is an integral part of the design process that allows you to test concepts before investing fully in development.
  • Prototypes serve as drafts or wireframes that simulate the actual product experience and function.
  • Creating quick, flexible prototypes enables validating designs through user testing. This identifies issues to improve before launch.
  • There are various types of prototypes, from low-fidelity paper sketches to high-fidelity digital clickable demos.
  • Prototyping ultimately saves significant time and money by gathering user feedback early when it’s easier to iterate.
  • We typically create digital prototypes using tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or InVision for upcoming usability tests.
  • The goal is to start basic and refine the prototype over time as we learn more about what works through testing.
  • Prototyping brings your product vision to life and ensures we design the right experience before investing heavily in development.

The key takeaway is that prototyping allows validating concepts cheaply and early through real user interactions. This leads to better design and development decisions down the line.

Stage 3

Test Sessions

Our user interface design services create experiences people love through an iterative, user-focused process. We start by collaborating with you to fully understand your product goals and user needs. Various research methods like interviews and card sorting help us design the optimal user flow.

Next, our talented UI designers translate this into intuitive, pleasing visual interfaces. We create multiple concepts and samples for testing.

With your feedback and user testing data, we refine the UI over multiple rounds until we achieve:

  • An interface matching your product vision
  • Designs that intuitively guide users
  • Engaging visuals representing your brand
  • Strong positive feedback from target users

The end result is a user interface optimised for your specific product and audience. Our human-centered approach leads to increased satisfaction, engagement, and conversion. Bring your product vision to life with a stellar UI crafted just for you. Let’s creat

Stage 4

Production Green Light

Bring Designs to Life with Our Pixel- Perfect UI Development Once designs are finalised, we focus on flawless execution to delight users.

Our talented UI developers collaborate closely with designers to translate mocks into code. We obsess over details like:

  • Writing engaging, brand-aligned content
  • Implementing layouts pixel- perfect to mocks
  • Ensuring colors, fonts, and elements match brand style guides
  • Animating interactions to be intuitive and enjoyable

It’s meticulous work stitching together visuals, content, and functionality. But the result is interfaces indistinguishable from mocks.

Our integrated design-development process enables us to:

  • Maintain creative fidelity from design to product
  • Deliver a polished, cohesive user experience
  • Catch issues early to prevent development rework

The outcome is products crafted to excite and engage your customers, down to the last pixel. Our pixel-perfect UI development brings your vision to life just as intended. Let’s build something extraordinary together!


Discover more about our UX/UI Services:

During the first call that we have together, we are going to ask you to provide any and all information as well as documentation (if you have it) that you have regarding the project that you are working on. After that, we will create the estimate and proposal, present it to you, and then go forward with the contract if we have reached an agreement on all of the main aspects. We will, of course, sign a non-disclosure agreement with you in order to keep all of the information about your proposal confidential.

Yes, we do sign NDA before collaboration starts. We also conformant to OWASP Secure Coding Practices, and GDPR. We treat data security very seriously since it is modern gold and high risk asset which needs to be properly handle to minimize risks.

In 2003 we started as a small development team that builds apps for Nokia. Now we are a Product Development Company with 20 years of experience in product development, a team of 100+ highly professional Designers, Product Managers and Software Development/QA/DevOps Engineers.

More than one hundred businesses, including Allgram, T2, and UBS, have benefited from our expertise in user interface and user experience design. We implement the Agile methodology during the product development process, which enables us to make the app design production process fluid and conducive to innovation.

Our team creates mobile applications that are easy to use by implementing the most recent developments in technology and design trends. These developments allow us to produce featured applications for the App Store and Google Play that have an intuitive design and creative functionality.

The price of UI and UX development services is determined by a number of different criteria, the most important of which are the requirements of the client. Let’s take a look at three frequent scenarios that illustrate how the requirements of the client might influence the total cost of app design.

  • No App: need to build an MVP/Prototype to test the market. Time & Budget: 1-1,5 months, ~ $8.5K
  • Existing app: need to improve features of the app . Time & Budget: 2,5 – 3 months, $15 – $20K
  • Existing app: need to rebuild/refine the app from scratch . Time & Budget: 3 – 4,5 months, ~ $20K

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