Dedicated Development Team


Dedicated Development Team

Empower your project with a Dedicated Development Team – a cohesive unit of skilled professionals committed to realizing your vision and ensuring project success

Dedicated Development Team: What is It and When to Hire It?

In the field of software development, a dedicated development team is a partnership model that is frequently utilised for facilitating remote cooperation with a customer. Employing a specialised development team is the ideal option for both well-established businesses and startups that are experiencing rapid growth.

Zeus is a multinational team of developers that are devoted to their work. Since 1998, we have been assisting new businesses as well as more established ones in the development of goods that truly make a difference. Companies in the fields of eCommerce, telecommunications, financial technology, and high technology, such as Skype and SoundWhale, benefited from our created technologies and systems. For the past eight years, we have been providing services to customers in the digital publishing sector, such as BlueToad, and we have always treated their product as if it were our own. This exemplifies what we mean when we talk about devotion.

In this piece, I’ll discuss what a dedicated team model is, the benefits and drawbacks of using one, and how it varies from other types of team structures. I’ll also provide some pointers on how to determine when it would be best to hire a dedicated development team and when it would be better to look into alternative choices.


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What Is Dedicated Team Model?

A client and an outsourced team of developers work together on a project on an ongoing basis as part of a dedicated team, which is a form of cooperation that uses an outsourced team of developers. This approach of working together is right up there with others like the fixed pricing (FP) model and the time and materials (T&M) model in terms of its level of popularity.

When you engage dedicated teams, you receive a group of specialists that have been hand-picked to meet the requirements of your particular company objectives. This concept is comparable to an in-house team, which are workers in the strictest sense of the word.

On the other hand, in contrast to working with workers, managing a devoted team does not require you to be concerned with administrative, human resources, tax, or social benefits difficulties. You, on the other hand, are free to concentrate on higher-level business concerns while your development partners take care of the remainder of the work.

To summarise, the dedicated team model gives you access to a professional team that has been carefully chosen and is only focused on the completion of a single project. In addition, all of the costs associated with administration are on their end.

Who Is In A Dedicated Team?

  1. Front-end and back-end, full-stack engineers, mobile developers;
  2. UX/UI designers;
  3. DevOps engineers;
  4. DataAnalysts;
  5. AI engineers;
  6. Quality assurance specialists;
  7. Business analysts;
  8. Product managers;
  9. Project managers.

Dedicated Development Team Vs Fixed Price Model

The concept of a dedicated team and the format of a set price are terms that are frequently mistaken with one another. However, these two formats satisfy a wide variety of commercial requirements.

A framework known as the fixed price collaboration model is one in which a customer pays an agreed-upon sum of money regardless of the number of hours worked or the quantity of work completed. This mode is best suited for projects that will be completed in a relatively short amount of time and have well defined criteria and scopes of work.

From the point of view of a cofounder, the primary risk that is associated with the fixed pricing model is the possibility of overpaying. There are occasions when it is impossible to exactly anticipate the amount of time and scope of the activity. In any case, you will be required to pay the sum that was stipulated in the contract, even though it is possible that the work has not yet been completed.

The fixed price will work for:

  1. Projects with clear deadlines;
  2. Determined specification;
  3. Short-term projects;
  4. When scope of work is fixed and there are no changes planned;
  5. MVP development;

Dedicated Team Vs Time&Material Model

The Time and Material model is yet another one that often competes with the Dedicated Team structure. In the latter approach, the client is responsible for paying the team for the actual time and effort that was spent on the development of a particular product.

This form of collaborative working is therefore appropriate for:

  1. Projects in which the criteria are subject to change;
  2. Markets that have not been investigated in depth;
  3. Product market fit that has not yet been confirmed;

Although the Time and Materials model provides you with the space necessary for in-depth research and development, there is no assurance that you will continue to collaborate with the same team for the duration of the project. It is possible to assign some professionals to other projects if there are not enough duties for them to accomplish on your current project.

In the meanwhile, the benefit of using a dedicated team model lies in the fact that it is committed. When you employ a dedicated development team, you get a team that is solely devoted to working on your project and is not required to accept any other work in addition to the one you have given them. To put it another way, this is what constitutes a “dedicated” team.

3 Signs That You Should Hire Dedicated Development Team

The concept of the dedicated team is appropriate for complicated projects that will last for an extended period of time and have the ability to grow. The specialised team is the way to go when your concept does not have the product-market fit and requires a discovery stage.

tartups at the Infancy Stage

Consider the possibility of employing a dedicated development team if you are in the early stages of launching a startup and your business is anticipated to expand. It will allow you to construct a team rapidly, save money on the hiring processes, and accelerate the product development process. The additional work is taken care of by the augmented team, freeing up your in-house staff to concentrate on business-related responsibilities.

Those Projects Where the Requirements Are Vague

The dedicated team is the way to go when your concept does not have the product-market fit and requires a discovery stage. It is possible that it will take many months of testing and interviews before things are finally able to settle down. This is because the discovery stage builds the foundation for the whole development process of the project. You won’t have to worry about going over budget thanks to the dedicated team model, which gives you more time and resources to concentrate on the discovery stage.

Projects With a Long Time Frame

The concept of the dedicated team is appropriate for complicated projects that will last for an extended period of time and have the ability to grow. When a startup has passed the pre-seed stage and is in a position where it needs to experience rapid expansion, it may find it beneficial to hire a dedicated development staff. You will be able to expand the product quickly, save money on the costs of hiring and firing employees because you will be working within a committed team, and you will have access to skilled developers all over the world.

On top of that, let’s take a glance at some of the most well-known companies in the technology industry, such as WhatsApp. They decided to get assistance with the iOS app from a specialised group of developers, so they recruited them. Apple, Oracle, American Express, IBM, Verizon, Amazon, Doist, Automatic, and Buffer are just a few of the other organisations that utilise the dedicated team method. Skype and Harman International hired us for MVP validation of some of their products.


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3 Signs That You Should NOT Use Dedicated Team Model?

The dedicated team model is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, despite the apparent benefits that come along with it. The following is a list of circumstances in which I recommend selecting “do not hire dedicated development team” when given an option between “do hire dedicated development team” and “do not hire dedicated development team.”

Projects With Short-Term and Medium-Term Time Frames

When it comes to smaller projects with well-defined and specific objectives, it is not necessary to recruit specialist development teams. When the job scope is clearly defined, you will require a team of individuals to carry out the duties that have been determined. In such a scenario, a model with a fixed price is ideal for use in short-term projects, but the time-and-materials method is appropriate for use in companies with a duration of between one and three years.

Limited Resources Both In Time And Money

If you have a severe limit on the amount of money you can spend on a project, selecting a model that involves a dedicated team probably isn’t the greatest decision. It may be the case that you do not require the services of a full-time designer or project manager. In this particular scenario, a model with a fixed price is more than adequate to produce the desired result.

The Scope of the Project Has Been Completely Defined

You will want to avoid hiring a specialised development team when you have a detailed plan of execution for your project, all of the features are sorted out, and there is no room for compromise. Choose between a time and materials approach or a fixed-price model, depending on the size of the project you are working on.

How Much Does Hiring Dedicated Development Team Cost?

According to the 2020 Global Outsourcing Survey report by Deloitte the top reason (70%) to outsource is cutting costs. he hiring of a dedicated development team offers another benefit, which is a decrease in costs; here’s how that works.

The pricing structure for a dedicated team is straightforward. Since you have hired a team, each member of that team has their own individual hourly rate, and you pay them based on the amount of hours they work.

This is the one and only thing that your payment covers. There are no additional costs associated with renting an office for the team, purchasing equipment, paying taxes or utility bills, etc.

In addition, it is significantly more cost effective and time efficient to engage a Dedicated software development team as opposed to searching for each specialist individually with an HR staff.

Why Zeus Is A Good Choice While Hiring Dedicated Development Team?

The Zeus team has extensive experience working closely with a customer while on the job as part of a dedicated development team contract. Roughly one quarter of all of the new initiatives that we launch each year utilise the paradigm of a dedicated team. In addition, 25% of projects that began with other business models ultimately shifted to using the dedicated team.


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Dedicated Development Collaboration: Zeus Process

When a client engages us to work as a dedicated development team, the following things take place:

Scope Estimation

  1. During this stage, we determine the total amount of work that must be completed as well as the number of individuals who must be involved.
  2. In order to do this, a business analyst will engage in conversation with a customer in order to ascertain the customer’s requirements and preferences. The requirements of the project and the scope of the project are both defined by business analysts based on the information that was gathered.
  3. In terms of the determination of the scope, there are two possible scenarios:
  • The client has a predefined scope. We will have a conversation with the customer about the budget, taking into consideration the priorities and the projected or specified timelines.
  • The client doesn’t know the exact scope. A discovery phase can be carried out in which hypotheses are formulated and then tested with help of prototypes.

Using the results of the test, we do an analysis to determine whether or not the current scope corresponds to our goals. In the unlikely scenario that this is not the case, we continue our exploration and discovery efforts until we identify what is needed scope.

Talent Selection

At this stage in the process, we will have assembled a group of highly qualified and enthusiastic industry experts to work on your project. The following are the standards by which we pick candidates:

Profitability, including an estimate of the return on investment for this project;

Quality and Service – the fact that the Zeus team have the knowledge and expertise necessary to provide a product and service of high quality;

Skill Development – the possibility for each member of the team to advance their abilities during the project;

A positive attitude and sufficient motivation are necessary psychological prerequisites for working on this project, including cultural code compatibility.

Scope Call

This call discusses the purposes, milestones, and priorities for the client’s first sprint or first iteration, depending on the selected Software Development Lifecycle model.

Proposition Call

At this stage, we propose a solution that we suggest, as well as the projected makeup of the team, dates, and budget. If required, we also schedule further research efforts.

Kick-Off Call

At this stage, the group is given the go-ahead to begin collaborating, which marks the beginning of the process. The goal of the call is to meet the team (both the client team and Zeus’s team), discuss who will do what, receive access to the development tools, align the project priorities and business priorities, and set up check-ins.


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To summarise, a dedicated team is the optimal choice for projects that have numerous undefined criteria, such as those undertaken by ambitious tech startups and developing tech companies. When it comes to finding the most suitable option for businesses like these that are interested in long- term collaboration, the dedicated partnership offers the finest combination of optimal cost and selected individuals on the team. Keeping all of this in mind will allow you to make an informed decision about whether or not you require the assistance of a specialised development team.

You are welcome to get in contact with us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the type of cooperative arrangement that would work best for you. We will select the method that best fulfils the specifications you have provided.

The term “Dedicated Development Team” refers to what exactly?

When it comes to long-term collaboration between a customer and the development team, a dedicated team is the approach to follow. Within the framework of this model, a team of software engineers is dedicated to the project of a certain customer, and it is guaranteed that no member of the team will be moved to work on another project. The word “dedicated” gives the impression that this is the case.

What responsibilities does a Development Team Have?

The development team is responsible for determining whether or not the product is a good match for the market, building the user experience (UI) and user interface (UX) design, writing the code, providing quality assurance, and maintaining the product.

What Kind of Organisational Structure Should a Development Team Have?

The members of a typical software development team include professionals who possess a diverse array of skill sets and domain expertise: Manager of the project, business analyst, designers, developers, and quality assurance testers.

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